Thursday, 02 October 2014 18:35

Please Vote for Thomas A. Morton, PLLC.

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I have applied for a grant from Chase Bank.  I need 250 votes by October 17, 2014 for consideration.  I would greatly appreciate your vote.  You can vote for me here:


Hopefully, I can get back to my regular weekly blog with advice about family law, divorce, and bankruptcy in Phoenix, Arizona next week.  UNtil then, take care.


Thank you!

Read 1947 times

Contact Info

Thomas A. Morton, P. L. L. C.
2916 N. 7th Avenue, Suite 100
Phoenix, Arizona 85013
(602) 595-6870

Call Today!

(602) 595-6870

If you have a legal issue but aren't sure how to handle it, call Thomas A. Morton, Attorney.

If you've got a problem, let's work together and determine how to help you!